General Information
- Department
- School of Business and Economics
- Position
- Head of Finance Department
- Office Phone Number
- +998 (71) 238-74-58
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- Research Gate
Education Information
Education Information
1995 - 1999 Tashkent Financial Institute, Bachelor's degree in Banking and Finance
2005 - 2006 Graduate National Institute for Policy Studies (Japan), Master’s degree in Public Policy
Research Areas
My research area is the following:
- pension system and aging of population
- social protection and poverty reduction
- fiscal transparency, public debt, public financial management
Professional Experience
2014 - 2018 Lecturer, Westminster International University in Tashkent
1. Taught modules: - Financial Accounting - International Business and Finance - Corporate Finance - Money and Banking 2. Supervise students on their final project
2018 - 2020 Head of Subject Area for Finance
1. Managing the team of 15-20 teachers 2. Teach the following modules: - Financial Accounting - Quantitative Methods in Decision Making - Financial Securities 3. Supervise students on their final project
2021 - Head of Finance Department
1. Managing team of 15-20 teachers 2. Teach the following modules: - Financial Accounting - Understading Finance - Introduction to Banking and Financial Institutions 3. Supervise students on their final project (dissertation)
1999 - 2003 Economist, the Ministry of Finance of Uzbekistan, Budget Department
2003 - 2004 Local consultant, PDP Australia PTY LTD, Public Finance Management Reform in Uzbekistan project
2004 - 2005 Treasury expert, Public Finance Management Reform project under the Ministry of Finance of Uzbekistan (with World Bank)
2006 - 2008 Deputy Head of Division , Treasury of the Ministry of Finance of Uzbekistan
2008 - 2010 Financier, Public Finance Management Reform project under the Ministry of Finance of Uzbekistan (with Asian Development Bank)
2010 - 2014 Assistant/translator to Regional Advisor on Public Financial Management, Office of International Monetary Fund in Tashkent
Publications & Works
O.Ganiev, Yu.Yusupo, V.Anoshkina. “Fiscal Transparency: international experience, assessments and benefits for Uzbekistan”. UNDP. Tashkent. 2015
S.Babaev, O.Ganiev, Sh.Mansurov, Khujaev Z, Yu.Yusupov. “Analysis of financial sustainability of pension system of Uzbekistan: current situation and perspectives”. UNDP. Tashkent. 2015
“An Aging of Population: the Case of Uzbekistan”, West and East Studies, Vol. 18 No 12, Seoul, 12/2006
“Optimization of Government Expenditures for Financing Economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan (on the Example of Water Industry)”, Centre for Economic Research and UNDP, 06/2002
O.Ganiev. “Current problems of development of pension system in Uzbekistan”. Scientific journal “Economy and innovative technology”, #6, 2016, Tashkent (in Russian))
Articles published in Local Journals -
O.Ganiev, N.Zaitov, B.Pugach, V.Anoshkina. Concept paper on citizen’s budget of Uzbekistan. UNDP, Tashkent 2017
Other publications -
J.Abruev, O.Ganiev, Ya.Fayzullaev, B.Kholmurodov, V.Anoshkina. Concept paper on medium term budget planning. UNDP, Tashkent 2018
Other publications -
O.Ganiev, Z. Sirojiddinova, V.Anoshkina. Participatory Budgeting: assessments and benefits for Uzbekistan. UNDP, Tashkent 2020
Other publications -
O.Ganiev. “Forecasting of Uzbekistan pension system sustainability for medium term”. Scientific journal “Financier’s guide”, #12, 2017, Tashkent (In Russian)
Articles published in Local Journals -
O. Ganiev. “Tax reform and pension system of Uzbekistan. Ensuring financial stability and sustainability”. Scientific journal “Financier’s guide”, #4, 2019, Tashkent (In Russian)
Articles published in Local Journals
Projects & Grant proposals
Supported Projects
2021 - 2022 Advisory Support on Green Recovery to Uzbekistan
2021 - 2022 EU assistance for Uzbekistan Agri-Food Development Strategy 2020-2030
Grant proposals
Scientific Activities
Activities in Scientific Journals
Scientific Consultation
Achievements & Reputation
Invited Congress & Symposium Activities
Download CV
- CV_Ganiev 2021.pdf
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