General Information
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- +998 (71) 238-74-66
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Andijan Institute of Engineering and Economics
University of Illinois in Urbana Champaign
The topic of the research is devoted to the learning of the inflation fighting experience of Post Soviet countries in the early stage of transition to the market economy. The alternative monetary policies of the group of countries have been compared and contrasted. The main purpose of the research is to study the success and failure stories, and to learn the underlying factors.
Position in Economics Dept in Andijan Institute of Engineering and Economics
Position in Finance Dept in WIUT
Position in car wheel manufacturing company in Andijan Province
The purpose of research is to estimate the impact of the adoption of International Financial Reporting Standard 9 Financial Instruments on the financial indicators of the local commercial banks. As a result of the research the report has been prepared and submitted to Central Bank
None is done yet
None is done yet