General Information
- Department
- School of Law, Technology and Education
- Position
- Head of Law Department
- Office Phone Number
- +998 (71) 238-74-00
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- Google Scholar
- Research Gate
Education Information
Education Information
2004 - 2006 PhD in Law, Tashkent State University of Law
Commercial Law, Intellectual Property Law, Internet Law
2014 - 2016 LLM with Merit, University of Westminster (UoW)
International Commercial Law
1996 - 2001 Osh University
Bachelor in Jurisprudence
2018 - 2024 Doctor of Science in Jurisprudence (DSc)
Civil Law Status of Information
2004 - 2006 Legal Bases for Commercial Exchange of Information Products in Internet
Can information in including its electronic forms be qualified as a commodity, and what contractual instruments can be used for the transfer of information.
Research Areas
Analysis of Bileteral Investment Treaties
Information as a commodity
Ownership of computer-generated works and legal personality of AI
Comparative study of trade secrets in civil law with law of confidence in common law
Professional Experience
2020 - Trainer on General Insurance
The program of Chartered Insurance Institute UK
2013 - Lecturer
Lecturer for Company Law, Property Law and Internet Law
2022 - Associate Professor
Running core modules Company Law and Property Law Organizing conferences Leading research project
2015 - Senior Lecturer
Module management and curriculum design Research and supervision
2014 - 2017 Subject Area Leader
Quality enhancement and Quality Assurance
2020 - Head of Law Department
Management of Law Department
Publications & Works
Articles published in International Journals -
Information as an Object of Civil in the Context of Related Categories
Articles published in International Journals -
Achievement of Institutional Balance in Disparity of Competences of the European Union Institutions
Articles published in International Journals
Projects & Grant proposals
Supported Projects
Grant proposals
2020 - 2021 Analysis of Bilateral Investment Treaties
Advancement of bilateral investment treaties for promotion and protection of foreign direct investment.
2022 - 2025 Central Asian Centre for European Trade Law (CACETL)
Establishing Central Asian Trade Law Centre aimed at facilitating trade relations of Uzbekistan with EU through education and training programs tailored to equip future legal professionals with necessary knowledge base and skillset in trading with EU and assistance in this process. Expanding existing EU Trade Relations course by extending substantial institutional and constitutional aspects of EU and trade related aspects of EU Law with involving special areas of interest for traders from Uzbekistan and Central Asia such as EU contract, corporate, finance, taxation, consumer protection, privacy, IP & competition, consumer protection, environment protection cross-border dispute resolution, and advancing the courser into EU Trade Law undergraduate program.
Scientific Activities
Activities in Scientific Journals
WIUT Law Colloquium
Conducting research discussions on contentious issues of law
Scientific Consultation
Achievements & Reputation
Invited Congress & Symposium Activities
2018 The Implications of Referring of Computer Generated Works to the Public Domain
The magnitude of the software development, leads to a proliferation of the works autonomously created by computer, without any significant expenditure of human skill and effort. Nowadays, computer’s contribution to the works becoming increasingly substantial, and consequently the user’s input less feasible. Google Deep Dream Art can be exemplary in the substantial nature of the machine made creative output in the artwork. The idea-expression dichotomy of copyrights rendering protection to original expression rather than the idea. However, this expression in the form of content output is predominantly coming from the computer, rather than from the user with the use of a skill. In Ameretto Ranch Breedables, LLC v Ozimals, Inc., the copyrights over virtual animals in Second Life online computer game was not upheld due to claiming protection over the functionality of the object. This raises the question on possibility of recognizing the computer-generated works as open information and part of the public domain. Leading Australian case Victoria Park Racing & Recreations Grounds Co. Ltd v Taylor connotes lack of ownership in raw information. Moreover, the outcomes of recent Australian case IceTV also did not recognize copyrights over the fact-based works. However, this comes along with the calls to “remedy the lacuna of ‘authorless’ works”, as can implicate predatory attitude to CGWs defeating the incentivizing function of copyrights. It can further curtail the use of virtual tools that facilitate creativity in its contemporary form. Reported at the 8th International Conference on Information Law and Ethics (ΙCIL) 2018 Modern Intellectual Property Governance and Openness in Europe: A Long and Winding Road? 13-14 December 2018 University of Antwerp, Belgium
Download CV
- CV Ismanjanov WIUT 2021.pdf
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