General Information
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Education Information
Education Information
- Bachelor of Economics - Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Shanghai, China
- Degree of Master of Business and Economics - Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
- PhD in Economics - Ruhr University Bochum and Ruhr Graduate School of Economics, Essen, Germany
Research Areas
Health Economics, Health Policy, Applied Econometrics, Quantative Methods in Clinical Research
Professional Experience
2019 - Guest Professor in Demographic Economics
At Gdansk University of Technology, I designed and lead the postgraduate course Demography and Economy in the Master Program of Economic Analytics
2020 - Senior Lecture in Economics at Westminster International University in Tashkent
At Westminster International University in Tashkent, I have served as the following roles: Spring Semester 2021 Module Leader: Level 7 Welfare Analysis, Monitering and Evaluation Lecturer: Introduction to Statistics and Data Science Lecturer: Behavioral Economics Fall Semester 2020 Module Leader: Level 6 Health Economics Module Leader: Level 7 Advanced Topics in Econometrics Lecturer: Introduction to Statistics and Data Science
2018 - 2020 Assistant Professor in Economics and Management at UIST- University of Information Science and Technology, "St.Paul the Apostle"
At University of Information Science and Technology, between October 2019 and June 2020, I served as the Interim Dean in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, and member of the teaching and scientific council and rector's board. I have worked as an instructor for the following courses: Spring 2020, Advanced Stochastic Process, Modeling, Simulation and Analysis( Postgraduate) Spring 2020, Business Statistics(Undergraduate) Spring 2020 and Spring 2019, Modeling and Simulation (Undergraduate) Spring 2019, Basics of Economy II (Undergraduate) Fall 2019, Optimization Theory (Undergraduate) Fall 2019, Stochastic Process (Undergraduate) Fall 2019 and Fall 2018, Basic of Economy I (Undergraduate) Spring 2019, and Fall 2018, Probability Theory and Statistics (Undergraduate)
2017 - 2018 Assistant Professor in Economics and Management at istanbul Technical University
At Istanbul Technical University, I worked as an instructor for the following courses Spring 2018, Research methods, Postgraduate Spring 2018, Principle of economics, Undergraduate Autumn 2017, Health economics, Undergraduate Autumn 2017, Statistics, Undergraduate
2019 - 2019 Visiting Assistant Professor at Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul
Under CAPES PrInt: Program for Institutional Internationalization grants, funded by Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES, Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel), I visited Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul at September 2019.
2016 - 2017 Postdoc Research Associate at Dartmoth College
I work on multiple research projects involving tobacco regulatory control policies and lung cancer screening policies. In detail, I work on the following research projects: 1) quantifying differences in risk factors for cigarette smoking Among exclusive e-cigarette users, exclusive Cigarette users, and dual users among US adolescents; and 2) Investigating the transition trajectories of any tobacco use at Wave 2 of the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health Study among all hookah users at wave 1.
2011 - 2016 Research Assistant and Visiting Researcher at RWI-Leibniz Institute for Economic Research
I worked on research papers with focuses on the effects of neighborhood social structures on individual use of welfare and individual health outcomes, using the unique merged individual level data enriched with administrative data at the zip-code level and rental price data in Germany in the research project “Neighborhood Eff ects: The Analysis of Individual Behavior in a Social Context” financed by Leibniz Gemeinschaft as part of the Pakt für Forschung und Innovation, as well as health inequality analysis within German population.
2019 - 2020 Interim Dean for the Deparment of Computer Science and Engineering
Between October 2019 and June 2020, I served as the Interim Dean in the Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering at University of Information Science and Technology, "St.Paul the Apostle", and a member of the teaching and scientific council and rector's board.
Publications & Works
Projects & Grant proposals
Supported Projects
Grant proposals
2021 - 2021 European Union Co-Funded Project ‘POWR
The project nr POWR.03.05.00-00-Z044/17, Task number: 03927
Scientific Activities
Activities in Scientific Journals
2021 Associate Editor at IJTAHC-International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care
The International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care is a bimonthly peer-reviewed healthcare journal covering health technology assessment. Established in 1985, it is published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of Health Technology Assessment International, of which it is the official journal.
2021 International Editorial Board member for the "ECONOMICS” Innovative and Economic Research Journal
ECONOMICS - Innovative and Economic Research Journal has focused primarily on knowledge economy and innovation. Only unpublished papers, that represent original scientific research, which contribute to the knowledge economy and innovation, are published in the journal.
Scientific Consultation
2020 Scientific Advisory Committee Member at EHMA-European Health Management Association
The EHMA Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) supports the wider mission of EHMA providing advice on research and scientific issues. Building on EHMA reputation for academic excellence, the SAC comprises EHMA Members who bring the highest standards of research governance to ensure that the EHMA work programme and activities are of an internationally recognised high standard. The SAC plays an important role in providing a focus and voice for the EHMA research community.
2021 Member of the Global Health Competencies Sub-committee at CUGH-Consortium of Universities for Global Health
The Global Health Competency Subcommittee defines global health competencies appropriate for several levels of training and job expectations, and proposes ways of using competencies in the design of global health curricula.
2022 IHEA-International Health Economic Association
Co-convener for the Early Career Researcher Group
2021 Member of the CUGH Global Health Workforce Panel
Participate to select and develop the next talent of Global Health Experts through the PHI/CDC Global Health Fellowship Program. The PHI/CDC Global Health Fellowship Program, implemented by the Public Health Institute, is a CDC-funded fellowship that supports promising emerging global public health professionals to develop technical skills needed to respond to today’s public health needs and challenges
2021 EU Stakeholder Network Member of the Health First Europe
EU Stakeholder Network ‘Profiling and training the health care workers of the future- Meeting of working groups
Evaluator for the Marti i Franques EU-COFUND Doctoral Programme(MFP)
Appointed by the Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona(Spain)
2021 Global Health Workforce Panel Member under the CUGH-Consortium of Universities for Global Health
Select and develop the next talent of Global Health Experts through the PHI/CDC Global Health Fellowship Program. The PHI/CDC Global Health Fellowship Program is a U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention-funded program that offers recent global public health graduates from Council on Education in Public Health accredited schools and programs the exciting opportunity to participate in yearlong fellowships with guidance from leading global health experts from the CDC. I have voluntarily reviewed and scored 22 fellowship applications.
Achievements & Reputation
Invited Congress & Symposium Activities
Download CV
- CV_Rui Dang.pdf
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