General Information
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Education Information
Education Information
2008 - 2012 BA
BA. Economics and Entrepreneurship development, University for Development Studies, Tamale, Ghana (Africa)
2020 - 2021 Exchange program Abroad
March 2020 - February 2021: Ph.D. (Research visit) (Erasmus+), Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences, Bonn, Germany. Working on doctoral dissertation and article writing and publishing in ABS/ABDC journals. Gaining an international experience and networking through attending prestigious conferences. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Bode
2018 - 2021 PhD
Research topic: Understanding Customers’ Constraints Towards E-Banking Engagement: Evidence from Retail Banks in Ghana Supervisor: Assoc.Prof. Miloslava Chovancová, CSc. Consultant: Prof. Jürgen Bode
2016 - 2018 MSc.
Research topic: A project to enhance the selling of locally branded herbal product: Case study of Konate herbal in Ghana Supervisor: Assoc.Prof. Miloslava Chovancová, CSc.
Research Areas
Technology adoption, Social media marketing, Brand management, customer experience, and Sustainable Entrepreneurship in Emerging and Developing countries.
Professional Experience
2023 - Senior Lecturer
Teaching modules: Digital Marketing, Strategy in the Complex World, and Consumer Behavior Task description: 1.Course development process at undergraduate and postgraduate level. 2. Student assessment through Quizzes, Class Presentations, Term Exams, and Final Exams 3. Train students for professional development. 4. Assist head of department in administrative task. 5. Supervision to bachelor and master dissertations.
2021 - 2023 Assistant Professor (Marketing and Strategy)
1.Course development process and taught courses to undergraduate and postgraduate students. 2. Student assessment through Quizzes, Class Presentations, Term Exams, and Final Exams 3. Train students for professional development. 4. Assist Head of Department in administrative task 5. Supervision to bachelor, Master, and PhD thesis/project 6. Committee/panel member for recruiting PhD and Master students. 7. Consultant to PhD thesis in the in my research domain. 8. Organising committee member for International Scientific Conference. 9. Mentoring past and present students on carreer development
2021 - 2022 Postdoctoral Researcher
Postdoctoral Researcher, Department Management and Marketing, Faculty of Management and Economics, Tomas Bata University, Zlin, Czech Republic. Task description: • Assist in teaching and research at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. • Supervision to Master and Bachelor thesis/project. • Participating in International conferences home and abroad. • Principal investigator of Joint External project. • Consultant to PhD thesis in the faculty. • Publication activities indexed in both ABDC/ABS (Scopus and Web of Science).
2020 - 2021 Research Fellow (Visiting Scholar)
Department of Management Sciences, Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences, Bonn, Germany Task Description: • Team member on a specialized project. • Participant in the project: the “German-African University Partnership Platform for the Development of Entrepreneurs and Small / Medium Enterprises” project in cooperation with universities in Ghana and Kenya, financed by BMZ and DAAD. • Team leader: BET Ghana - Building Expertise and Training for growth in the consumer goods and food processing industries in Ghana • Enhancing knowledge, research capacities, and professional skills among researchers, lecturers, students, and entrepreneurs in the Ghana consumer goods and food processing industry.
2022 - Principal Investigator (Industry-based project)
1. Principal Investigator - Fairwork Morocco Ratings 2022: Labour Standards in the Platform Economy (university of Oxford, UK and International University of Rabat, Morocco) (21 000 GBP)- (Ongoing) 2. Co-Principal Investigator – Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) 2023 project on Decent Work Standards in the BPO Sector: Case of Majorel company in Morocco. In collaboration with GIZ Germany and Fairwork (University of Oxford) (12 000 GBP) – (ongoing)
Publications & Works
Articles published in International Journals -
Articles published in International Journals -
Articles published in International Journals -
Articles published in International Journals -
Articles published in International Journals
Projects & Grant proposals
Supported Projects
2022 - 2023 Principal Investigator
- Fairwork Morocco Ratings 2022: Labour Standards in the Platform Economy (university of Oxford, UK and International University of Rabat, Morocco) (21 000 GBP)- (Ongoing)
2023 - Co-Principal Investigator
– Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) 2023 project on Decent Work Standards in the BPO Sector: Case of Majorel company in Morocco. In collaboration with GIZ Germany and Fairwork (University of Oxford) (12 000 GBP) – (ongoing)
2019 - 2020 Project Promoter/Leader/Investigator
- IGA/FaME/2019-2020 Project: Country-of-origin effect on domestic product/brand purchase intention toward SME’s sustainability in a developing country. (10 000 euros) - (Completed).
2020 - 2021 Team Member
- IGA/FaME/2020-2021 Project: The impact of digital transformation on customer behaviour and firm’s sustainable performance. [25000 euros] – (Completed).
Grant proposals
Scientific Activities
Activities in Scientific Journals
2022 Associate Editor (Marketing) - Cogent Business and Management, Taylor & Francis
Associate Editor (Marketing track) - Journal: Cogent Business & Management, Taylor & Francis, ABDC-B, ABS=1, Scopus Q2, IF=3.00.
Reviewer, (International journal of Information Management, Elsevier, ABDC-A*, ABS-3, IF= 21.00, Scopus Q1, WoS. Elsevier
Scientific Consultation
Achievements & Reputation
Invited Congress & Symposium Activities
International Student Ambassador
Tomas Bata University in Zlin, Czech Republic (Europe)
Download CV
- CV-Updated-Abdul -Bashiru-Jibril -WIUT.pdf
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