General Information
- Department
- Global Education Department
- Position
- Lecturer
- Office Phone Number
- +998 (71) 238-74-00
- Linkedln
- Google Scholar
- Research Gate
Education Information
Education Information
2015 - 2016 Postgraduate Certificate of Special Studies in Teaching and Learning
Westminster International University in Tashkent
2006 - 2008 MA in Linguistics (State scholarship)
The Uzbek State University of World Languages. (Distinction)
2002 - 2006 BA in English philology, IELTE Program (State scholarship)
The Uzbek State University of World Languages (Distinction)
2021 - PhD student (independent researcher)
Tashkent State University of Pedagogy
Research Areas
Methodology of Language Teaching, Pedagogy and Education, Communicative Competence, Project-based Learning, Experiential Learning
Professional Experience
2016 - Lecturer at Westminster International University in Tashkent
2015 - 2016 Senior teacher of Academic English, Academic Lyceum under Westminster International University in Tashkent
2008 - 2015 Teacher of English for Specific Purposes, Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute
2004 - 2008 Teacher of English, Public school №81, Tashkent
2018 - 2019 Module leader of BEAP 2
A module leader of Basics of English for Academic Purposes module at Pre-Foundation Department of Westminster International University in Tashkent
2022 - 2023 Module leader of DPI
A module leader of Developing Professional Identity module at Global Education Department of Westminster International University in Tashkent
2024 - 2025 Module leader of DPI
A module leader of Developing Professional Identity module at Global Education Department of Westminster International University in Tashkent
Publications & Works
Improving teachers’ questioning in effective language teaching classes. “Integration of science, education and manufacturing in Pharmacy”. Collection of republican scientific-practical conference materials. 2011. p.72 Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute
Other publications -
Хорижий тил ўқитишда новербал коммуникациянинг ахамияти “Integration of science, education and manufacturing in Pharmacy”. Collection of republican scientific-practical conference materials. 2011. p.71 Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute
Other publications -
Фармацевтика институти профессор-ўқитувчиларига инглиз тилини ўқитишнинг ахамияти: максад ва вазифалар “Integration of science, education and manufacturing in Pharmacy”. Collection of republican scientific-practical conference materials. 2012. p.46-49 Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute
Other publications -
Инглиз ва ўзбек матнларида гендер компонентига эга фразеологик бирликларнинг лингвомаданий талқини “Theoretical and practical issues of text linguistics”. Collection of republican scientific-practical conference thesis materials, 2012. p. 160-162. The Uzbek State World Languages University
Articles published in Local Journals -
Проблемы художественного перевода в переводческой деятельности “Teaching foreign languages: topical social and linguacultural issues”, Collection of republican scientific-practical conference thesis materials. 2015. p. 94-96. Tashkent State University of Law
Other publications -
Planning an effective grammar lesson “Teaching foreign languages: topical social and linguacultural issues”, Collection of republican scientific-practical conference thesis materials. 2015. p. 69-70. Tashkent State University of Law
Other publications -
Rubrics and their importance in teaching foreign languages “Teaching foreign languages: topical social and linguacultural issues”, Collection of republican scientific-practical conference thesis materials. 2015. p. 67-68. Tashkent State University of Law
Articles published in International Journals -
Does an essay topic matter? Active Learning and Teaching of Foreign languages in Uzbekistan Volume 3 (4) 2016 p. 24-26
Articles published in Local Journals -
Enhancing students’ communicative competence through teaching presentation skills “Teaching foreign languages in non-philological higher educational establishments: issues and their solutions”, Collection of republican scientific-practical conference thesis materials. 2018. p.152-155 Tashkent State University of Economy
Articles published in Local Journals -
The role of teaching presentation skills in educating qualified specialists Профессиональное становление личности XXI века в системе непрерывного образование. Материалы научно-практического семинара. 2018 год. стр. 248-250 Филиал МГУ имени Ломоносова в городе Ташкенте
Articles published in Local Journals -
A progress test as an effective assessment tool for enhancing students’ perfomances Active Learning and Teaching of Foreign languages in Uzbekistan Volume 2 (11) 2018 p. 16-17
Articles published in Local Journals -
Лойиҳа асосида ўрганиш методининг талабалар оғзаки нутқ компетенциясини шакллантириш ва ривожлантиришдаги аҳамияти, 2020, "Ўзбекистонда илмий-амалий тадқиқотлар",
Articles published in Local Journals -
Engaging students in learning through Jeopardy: Students love competitions ‘Theory and Practice of Language Teaching in Modern Education” Republican Conference, International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan.
Articles published in Local Journals -
Enhancing Language Teachers’ self-efficacy through Peer-Observation in Higher Education “Contemporary philological paradigms: interrelation of traditions and innovative approaches”, International Conference materials. National University of Uzbekistan.
Articles published in Local Journals -
Oliy o’quv yurtlarida masofaviy (online) ta’lim: Muammolar, qiyinchiliklar va imkoniyatlar “XXI Century skills in language teaching and learning” II International scientific Conference materials, Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute,2021. pages 123-125
Articles published in Local Journals -
Project-based learning as a significant approach to build XXI century skills “XXI Century skills in language teaching and learning” II International scientific Conference materials, Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute, 2021. pages 13-15
Articles published in Local Journals -
Articles published in Local Journals -
Books & Book Chapters -
Xorijiy til o'qitishda innovatsion yondashuv asosida loyihaviy ta'lim metodini qo'llash va uning afzalliklari. (SAC) Scientific Bulletin of the Tashkent State Pedagogical University. Volume 10. October, 2023 ISSN 2181-9580 р.93-98 "
Articles published in Local Journals -
Advancing students' presentation skills using projects as assessment Conference proceedings from “XXI century renaissance in the education and technology innovations paradigm" II International Scientific-Theoretical conference held by Berdakh Karakalpak State University. November, 2023. -P. 31-32
Articles published in Local Journals -
Engaging Students to Learning through Project-Based Activities: Conditions and Perspectives Pindus Journal of Culture, Literature, and ELT ISSN: 2792 – 1883 | Volume 3 No. 10. October, 2023. P.-49-52
Articles published in International Journals -
Integrating project-based learning in higher education and fostering students' 21st century skills "Conference proceedings from “Teaching Foreign Languages in the Context of Sustainable Development: Best Practices, Problems and Opportunities"" International conference held by Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies. October, 2023. -P. 106-111 "
Articles published in International Journals -
Energizing language teaching with a project method in Uzbekistan "Conference proceedings from “O’zbekistonda zamonaviy tilshunoslik:tillar ta’limi va tadqiqi” International conference held by Oriental University. October, 2023. -P-525-531 "
Articles published in International Journals -
Blending social media in teaching foreign languages using a project method "Conference proceedings from “XXI century actual issues of linguistics and innovative pedagogical approaches in Teaching foreign languages” International-scientific practical conference held by Urgench State University. November, 2023. -P. 355-359 "
Articles published in International Journals -
Loyihaviy ta'lim metodini xorijiy til o'qitishda samarali qo'llash:muammolar va yechimlar (SAC) 'Til va adabiyot ta'limi', 10th volume, October, 2023. ISSN 2010-5584 -P. 29-31
Articles published in International Journals -
Pedagogical necessity of developing professional competence of students in higher education "Conference proceedings from ‘Actual Problems of Psychology in Uzbekistan’ A scientific and practical republican conference held by The Tashkent Branch of Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov. November, 2023. -P. 158-160 "
Articles published in International Journals
Projects & Grant proposals
Supported Projects
2022 - 2023 CTTN Joint Regional Project COVID-INDUCED INEQUALITIES: EDUCATION, HEALTH SERVICES, DIGITAL ACCESS, AND FEMALE LABOR FORCE PARTICIPATION: Case Studies from Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, and Uzbekistan
Joined the CTTN Joint Regional Project on COVID-INDUCED INEQUALITIES: EDUCATION, HEALTH SERVICES, DIGITAL ACCESS, AND FEMALE LABOR FORCE PARTICIPATION: Case Studies from Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, and Uzbekistan. The research was funded by the CAREC Institute under its CAREC Think Tank Network Research Grant Program. CHAPTER 4. UZBEKISTAN CASE STUDY Nilufar Khakimova, Erkin Mukhammedov, Davron Abdigapparov, Prabha Kiran, Rano Rozikova, Israil Kurbaniyazov, Feruza Akhmedova, Evgeniya Shalaeva and Peter Malvicini
2022 - 2022 A joint project "Online Content Development" of WIUT with Avloniy Research Institute
Contributed to a joint project, "Online Content Development", of WIUT with Avloniy Research Institute as a content developer. Prepared video content materials for teachers of Uzbekistan to develop them professionally.
2022 - 2022 "Qodiriy in Context" joint project of WIUT with the Arizona State University
Supported the "Qodiriy in Context" joint project of WIUT with the Arizona State University led by a researcher and translator, Mark Reese; Observed the delivery of all online sessions and provided feedback on them for further implementations.
Grant proposals
Scientific Activities
Activities in Scientific Journals
Scientific Consultation
2024 Organizing Committee member of the 4th and 5th International Conference on Education and Linguistics (ICEL) and Exhibitions since 2022
The conference is annually organized by the Global Education Department of Westminster International University in Tashkent
Achievements & Reputation
Invited Congress & Symposium Activities
2020 A Certificate of Appreciation "For The Most Outstanding Presentation", International Scientific Conference on Modern Approaches and Challenges of Teaching in ESP Classes, Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute
2020 A Certificate of Participation on a webinar "Academic Publishing and Enhancing Research Effectiveness", Springer Nature
2020 A Certificate of Active Participation on a webinar "Stay home: free online resources", British Council Uzbekistan, Mentor Hub
2020 A Certificate of Attendance of a Webinar :Insights into Digital Technologies in Language Teaching"
2020 A Certification of Attendance, Online Webinar on "Projects for Teens", Official Cambridge Assessment English
2020 A Certificate of Attendance, Online Webinar on "How to teach Online?", Mentor Hub, Canada
2020 A Certificate of Participation, Online Webinar on "Using Google Classrom", Mentor Hub, Canada
2020 A Certificate of Attendance, Online Webinar on "Engaging teens? It's not all about technology", Macmillan Education
2020 A Certificate of Attendance, Online webinar on " Introducing new online self-access materials for B2 First for Schools and C1 Advanced learners", Cambridge Assessment English
2020 A Certificate of Attendance, Online Webinar on "Assessing Writing online", Cambridge Assessment English
2020 A Certificate of Attendance, Online Webinar"Beyond motivation: engaging students online and offline", Cambridge Assessment English
2020 A Certificate of Attendance, Online Webinar "Assessing speaking online", Cambridge Assessment English
2020 A certificate of Completion of Online Training "How digital assessment can help to direct and refine the teaching of young learners", Pearson Education
2020 A certificate of Completion of Online Training "How to help your students meet their potential in their PTE General exam", Pearson Education
2020 A certificate of Completion of Online Training "How to better assess language skills using artificial intelligence", Pearson Education
2020 A certificate of Completion of Online Training "How to help learners chart their own course towards English proficiency", Pearson Education
2018 Diploma of 1st Place "The Best Delivery of Presentation" in a scientific-practical conference held in Tashkent affliliation of Moscow State University named after Lomonosov.
2018 A Certificate of "The most Active Participation", Scientific-practical conference on "The issues of teaching foreign languages in Higher Educational establishments of Uzbekistan" at Tashkent State University of Economy
2016 Certificate of Participation at RELTA (Regional English Language Training to Adults), Westminter International University in Tashkent
2012 A Certificate of Active Participation at scientific-practical conference on "Integration of Education, Manufacturing and Pharmacy", Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute
2011 A Certificate of Active Participation at scientific-practical conference, Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute
2020 A certificate of active participation in the 22-Republican scientific conference “ Scientific-practical investigations in Uzbekistan”,
2021 A certificate of active participation in an international scientific conference “XXI Century skills in language teaching and learning”, Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute
2021 A certificate of active participation in the republican scientific conference “Theory and Practice of Language Teaching in Modern Education”, International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan.
2021 Teaching and Learning Symposium 2021, WIUT "Enhancing students' reflective writing skill at pre-university level by employing substantial learning diaries in teaching "
2021 A certificate of Participation in an International scientific-peer-reviewed online conference “Modern philological paradigms: Interactions of traditions and innovative approaches”, Research Support Center, National University of Uzbekistan
2021 A certificate for presentation of a research paper, 2nd International Conference on Education and Linguistics “Energizing English Language Teacher Research and Practice”, Westminster International University in Tashkent
2023 A certificate of a conference participation with a topic"Advancing Students' presentation skills using projects as assessment tasks" iat a conference "Ренессанс в парадигме новаций образования и технологий в XXI веке" at Berdak State University
2023 A Certificate of Achievement from Tashkent State Oriental University for the presentation of the research topic "Integrating Project-based learning into Higher Education and fostering students' 21st century skills"