General Information
- Department
- Finance Department
- Position
- Lecturer (Maternity leave)
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- +998
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- 0000-0001-6447-0042
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- Research Gate
Education Information
Education Information
2018 - 2018 3. 2018 Certificate in CUT -University didactics and teaching competences, Vienna University of Economics and Business, and WIUT
Constructive Alignment
2008 - 2012 1. 2008-2012 BSc in Economics, Westminster International University in Tashkent, Tashkent Uzbekistan
Dissertation Topic: Impact of oil price fluctations on economic growth studied econometrics, advanced economics, FM, FA
2013 - 2015 2. 2013-2015 MBA in Finance with Distinction, University of Sunderland
Dissertation topic: Does financial development have an impact on Economic Growth? Evidence from CIS countries Studied Operations Management, Financial Management, Marketing Management
2021 - 2023 PhD in Econometrics and Statistics
Econometric modelling of quality of education in the selected schools. Project on 'Measuring quality of education in Uzbekistan'
Research Areas
Education is a crucial instrument applied in modern societies to prosper, as it alleviates the difficulties which are confronted in life. While recognizing the importance of quality of education, Uzbek government education spending amounted to 5.4% of GPD in 2017 and 5.9% in 2018, more than compared to other OECD nations such as Kazakhstan, Russia and Turkey (World Bank, 2019) . Even though approximately a third of government budget is devoted to education, it is difficult to assess whether government spending on education converts into higher learning outcomes. Lack of consistent and regular data on education accomplishments doesn’t allow the policymakers to make appropriate link between expenditure and learning outcomes. Predominantly, public spending of government on education sector was US$2.94 billion, where around 56% of total spending was retrieved by GSE. It sounds good that Enrolment Rate in secondary education is almost 100% and completion is also 100%, as there is no “grade repetition” in Uzbekistan, however, admission rate to higher education is very unsatisfactory at about 10%, which constitutes very low shares among regional counterparts. Apart from that there is no any early literacy assessments implemented in the first years of general education. It is true that MoPE (Ministry of Public Education) regularly runs national examinations in Grades 4 and 9, however, exam outcomes are not consistent, transparent and comparable among regions as they are not standardized. Therefore, Extra exams have been conducted by the State Inspection for Supervision of Quality of Education (SISQE), but still assessment results can’t be employed by policy makers. Boosting the efficiency of education leads to enhance the quality of human capital and advance Uzbekistan’s prosperity. On this purpose, I am going to develop suitable and unbiased measurement of learning outcomes to evaluate whether favorable learning takes place, and help to determine whether the extensive fiscal funds of government are allocated efficiently.
Professional Experience
2016 - 2020 Associate Lecturer
Tought Basics of Quantitative Skills, Quantitative Methods
2020 - 2024 Lecturer
Module Leader of 'Quantitative Methods', Financial management teacher
2012 - 2016 Teaching and Research Assistant
Developed and implemented working plan and syllabus on the modules ‘Corporate Finance’ and ‘Corporate Governance’
Publications & Works
The employee turnover and its impact on productivity of Banking Sector in Uzbekistan
Articles published in International Journals -
Flipped classroom strategy effects on students’ achievements and motivation: Evidence from CPFS level 2 students at WIUT. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 7 (12), 120-130
Articles published in International Journals -
The impact of oil price fluctuations on the economic growth: in case of G-7”, Journal of economy and Education (Iqtisod va ta’lim), Issue 2, 96-102.
Articles published in Local Journals -
Why data on Quality of Secondary Education Matters: In the case of Uzbekistan. International Journal of Conference Series on Education and Social Sciences [online]. IBursa, Turkey
Other publications -
Review of Household Economies of scale in consumption. Conference material. International scientific and practical conference on Modern Scientific Solutions to Urgent Issues 2020, September. DOI
Refereed congress / Symposium Publications in Proceedings -
Positive aspects of encouraging deep approach to learning in student-centered classroom: In the case of Math classes. The XVI International Scientific and Practical Conference- Science without borders 2020. Volume 14, Registered Number: 08878342. ISSN 2312-2773. UK, Sheffield.
Other publications -
Why to care Formative Assessment in Math Classes. Berlin Conference on Science, Research, Development #13. V.02. pp-35-38.
Refereed congress / Symposium Publications in Proceedings
Projects & Grant proposals
Supported Projects
2021 - 2023 Econometric modelling of quality of secondary Education in Uzbekistan
A nation’s ability to develop over the years - its ability to innovate, advance real purchasing power, and reduce income inequality – is highly connected to the quality of education, therefore, it has been classified as one of the priorities of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Thus, quality of learning outcomes brings long-term economic growth and enhances well-being of individuals in nations (Hanushek and Woessmann, 2007; 2010). The basic mechanism behind this development is that education is a crucial to empowering economic efficiency by enhancing the value and productivity of human capital, in turn, it results in shifting poor individuals from poverty. Thus, the role of secondary education in strengthening the efficiency and intellectual resilience of human capital in nation is important and huge. High quality of education established in a nation guarantee the competitiveness of the state in international arenas. In this regard, I will be examining the main components of quality of education including teacher quality, poverty, industry production, retail turnover per person, student teacher ratio, number of teachers, that influence the quality of learning outcomes of upper-secondary school students in Uzbekistan
Grant proposals
Scientific Activities
Activities in Scientific Journals
2021 N/A
Scientific Consultation
Achievements & Reputation
Invited Congress & Symposium Activities
2021 How to adapt deep approach to learning via project-based learning
I and my colleague Rano Rakhimovna attended in WIUT Teaching and Learning Symposium 2021
Download CV
- CV Indira Khadjieva 2021 ENG wiut (1).pdf
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