General Information
- Department
- Economics Department
- Position
- Lecturer
- Office Phone Number
- +998 (71) 221-17-08
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- Research Gate
Education Information
Education Information
1997 - 2001 BSc in Marketing Management
1. Tashkent State University of Economics
2002 - 2004 MSc in Marketing Management
University of Surrey, School of Business
2011 - 2013 Research course
Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, IDEGA Research (sandwich) course funded by Erasmus Mundus.
2011 - 2023 Savings behaviour (in progress)
Savings behaviour from the perspective of micro(household) behavior. Regional differences in household saving behaviour (in the example of Spain) Income / wealth effect on savings. Precautionary savings
Research Areas
Economic growth decomposition (a project financed by Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan) reviewing the TFP growth using Augmented Solow Model and JOGG. Original work completed at the end of 2020, but approved in January 2021. The final version to be released in English soon.
Professional Experience
2002 - 2004 MSc
MSc in Marketing Management obtained from the University of Surrey, UK (School of Management).
2009 - 2021 Lecturer
August 2009 – present. Lecturer, Westminster International University in Tashkent Combined the following role (2019): Head of Subject Area, Economics Modules delivered: - Microeconomics Level 6 - Macroeconomics Level 4 - Investment and Risk Management. - Corporate finance - Fundamentals of statistics (Descriptive statistics; Probability; Confidence intervals; Correlation and regression, t / z test, chi-square, ANOVA, etc.) - Project Management, PMI program based syllabus (Planning and scheduling (WBS, Network diagram, Risk identification, analysis and risk management planning, EVA analysis, etc.) - Data Analysis and Information Management. Syllabus: (statistics+) Linear programming, including cost minimization and profit maximization), fundamentals of non-linear relationships; Index numbers; Financial decision making processes: NPV, Internal rate of return and etc.) - Contemporary business issues (one block – 4 weeks). Part two – globalization: social and environmental aspects, impoverishment or empowerment, environmental dimensions, etc.
2012 - 2021 Director of Velosi Certification Services LLC (subsidary of Applus in Uzbekistan)
Duties and responsibilities: - Both general and daily management over the activities, operations of the business of Velosi in Uzbekistan (responsible for practically everything). - Velosi’s services in Uzbekistan were inclusive of, but not limited to, TPI, On site QA/QC services during construction (civil works, mechanical and etc.) Certification (IMS, GOST-R, GOST-K via American office); Assistance in rendering certification for GOST-U when necessary for Clients; Design review; etc. - Promotion and business development activities with respect to other QA/QC services; - Participation in the bids in Uzbekistan for those services mentioned above or other services that Velosi provides: - Other activities that might be related to daily management of operations, as well as to business development of Velosi services
Publications & Works
Work in progress
Other publications
Projects & Grant proposals
Supported Projects
2019 - 2020 Central Bank of Uzbekistan - growth decomposition project
May 2019 – Dec 2019, part of the research group for the Central Bank (of Uzbekistan) project “GDP growth decomposition of the economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan” Was responsible for Shapley decomposition (decomposing productivity growth to intersectoral shift and real productivity growth).
2019 - 2020 SDG 6 indicators, «Sustainable Development Goas», UNDP Uzbekistan
Nov 2019 – May 2020, Local consultant for preparation of local statistical methodologies for SDG 6 indicators, «Sustainable Development Goas», UNDP Uzbekistan Preparation of the methodologies for calculation of indicators within SDG 6 (10 indicators) on the basis of international methodologies.
2020 - 2021 Consultant-economist, Research Institute for gardening, viniculture and winery and Research Institute for horticulture
Dec 2020 – Oct 2021, Consultant-economist, Research Institute for gardening, viniculture and winery and Research Institute for horticulture Preparation of concept note for the establishment of agricultural cooperatives in 4 locations of the country (financed by EU). Duties and responsibilities included: Recommendations as for the form of the cooperative, product mix, value chain to be localized Definition of the scope of works for the contractors Planning (scheduling, resource levelling) Risk management plan preparation Managing Relationships with Key Stakeholders, including, but not limited to Beneficiaries, local government authorities, Ministry of Agriculture
2021 - 2021 Participatory Regional Development Strategy (training in pilot districts) UNDP project
July-Oct, 2021, Trainer for the UNDP project – Participatory Regional Development Strategy (training in pilot districts) 1. Development of training materials, with inclusion of case studies and similar projects implemented in other countries (including PPT, workshop documents); 2. Delivery of training on site (in Surkhandarya region and in the Republic of Karakalpak) 3 days each 3. Preparation of guidelines for video materials that will be prepared in the next phase of the project
2021 - 2022 OECD COVID Green Recovery proposal preparation
OECD supported green recovery proposal preparation for the Ministery of Economic Development and Poverty Reduction - part of WIUT expert team. Oct 2021 - March 2022 (expected)
Grant proposals
Scientific Activities
Activities in Scientific Journals
Scientific Consultation
Creating farm cooperatives in 5 regions of Uzbekistan
Financed by the World bank, the Project was designed to come with the best possible concept for creating horticultural farms in 5 different places of Uzbekistan for a limited budget. The idea was to create a demo fields for a limited budget, whereby the beneficiaries (shareholders) of those farms would be deprived households.
Achievements & Reputation
Invited Congress & Symposium Activities
Download CV
- Murodullo Bazarov CV Nov 2021.pdf
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