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Education Information
Education Information
2009 - 2010 Post Doctoral
University Putra Malaysia (UPM) is one of the top Public universities in Malaysia. It is ranked #132 in QS Global World University Rankings 2021.
2002 - 2005 PhD
Institute of Mathematics, Uzbek Academy of Science
2000 - 2002 Master in Mathematics
National University of Uzbekistan
1996 - 2000 Bachelor in Mathematics
National University of Uzbekistan
University of Westminster (UK)
Research Areas
My research interests are in Algebra (Pure Mathematics), in particular structural theory of non-associative algebras. My main attentiveness is studying the classification problems of new types of algebras such as Diassociative algebras (also known as associative dialgebras), Dendriform algebras, Leibniz algebras, which were introduced in the end of last century. Note that these algebras closely related to classical algebra such as Associative and Lie algebras. Particularly we studied classification of filiform Leibniz algebras, derivations and automorphisms of Leibniz algebras, classification of finite dimensional diassociative, dendriform algebras and left symmetric dialgebras over complex field. Nilpotency and solvability of diassociative algebras also have been studied. The structural theories of classical algebras (namely Associative and Lie algebras) have been studying very long time, and there are well developed methods and theories in terms of structural viewpoint. Well known that associative algebras studied since middle of nineteenth century and Lie algebras case since 40th of last century. Referring to results obtained and published papers on associative and Lie algebras (which are still studying very actively) we can conclude that there are many research opportunities on structural theory of any class of algebras. Classification of any type of algebra over some field is fundamental problem. Even considering finite dimensional cases we might have some issues starting from certain dimensions. Lie algebra as a one of the classical algebras generates from associative one by introducing new product, so called commutator: [x,y]=xy-yx. Structural theory of Lie algebras raised big interest among the researchers due to it is application and relationship with Lie groups. There are many applications of Lie algebras in physics and other branches of mathematics which motivates many mathematicians to study this subject. Active study of structural theory of Lie algebras leads to discovery of Leibniz algebras in the end of last century. Leibniz algebras are generalization of Lie algebras.
Professional Experience
2021 - Docent
Docent in Algebra (Associate Professor)
2020 - Dean of Graduate School
Westminster International University in Tashkent
2018 - 2020 Deputy Dean on Research and Consultancy
Westminster International University in Tashkent
2011 - 2013 Senior Lecturer / Final Year Project Coordinator
University Kuala Lumpur, Malaysian Institute of Industrial Technology, Malaysia
2014 - 2018 Head of Research & Innovation
University Kuala Lumpur, Malaysian Institute of Industrial Technology, Malaysia
2013 - 2014 Research Coordinator
University Kuala Lumpur, Malaysian Institute of Industrial Technology, Malaysia
2009 - 2010 Post - Doctoral Researcher
Institute for Mathematical Research, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)
2006 - 2009 Lecturer / Acting Associate Professor
Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, National University of Uzbekistan
2010 - 2011 Principal Lecturer
Academic Lyceum under Westminster International University in Tashkent
Publications & Works
I. S. Rakhimov, I. M. Rikhsiboev and M. A. Mohammed, An algorithm for classifications of three dimensional Leibniz algebras over arbitrary fields, JP Journal of Algebra, Number Theory and Applications, Accepted (2018). (ISI, Scopus)
Articles published in International Journals -
Ikrom M. Rikhsiboev & Yuvendra Rao Venkatesan, Alternative description of three-dimensional complex diassociative algebras with some constraints. AIP Conf. Proc. 1605, 696 (2014);, (Scopus).
Articles published in International Journals -
Ikrom M. Rikhsiboev, Isamiddin S. Rakhimov and Witriany Basri, Diassociative algebras and their derivations, iCOS2013, 3 - 5 Dec 2013, Pahang, Malaysia. (Scopus).
Articles published in International Journals -
L.M. Camacho, B.A. Omirov, K.K. Masutova, and I.M. Rikhsiboev, Solvable Leibniz algebras with 〖NF〗_n 〖F〗_m^1 nilradical, Open Mathematics 15(1):1371–1388, December 2017,, ISI & Scopus
Articles published in International Journals -
M. Ladra, I. M. Rikhsiboev, and R. M. Turdibaev., Automorphisms and Derivations of Leibniz algebras, Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 68(5), pp. 933-944 • July 2016. ISI/Scopus. DOI:10.1007/s11253-016-1277-3.
Articles published in International Journals -
I. M. Rikhsiboev, Prospects of Private Higher Education in Uzbekistan, Journal of Applied Environmental and Biological Sciences (JAEBS), Vol. 7, No. 10, pp. 125-133, 2017. – ISI.
Articles published in International Journals -
Mohamed Abubakar, I. S. Rakhimov and I. M. Rikhsiboev, On Derivations of Low Dimensional Associative Dialgebras, ICMS 3, AIP Conf. Proc. 1602, 730 (2014); doi: 10.1063/1.4882566. (Scopus)
Articles published in International Journals -
Rikhsiboev I. M., Rakhimov I. S., Basri W. Four-dimensional nilpotent disassociative algebras. Generalized Lie Theory and Applications 9 (218), May 2015. DOI: 10.4172/1736-4337.1000218. – ISI
Articles published in International Journals -
Rikhsiboev I. M., Rakhimov I.S., Basri W. Classification of 3-dimensional complex diassociative algebras. Malaysian Journal of Math. Sciences, 4(2) 2010, P. 241-254. (Scopus)
Articles published in International Journals -
S. Rakhimov, I. M. Rikhsiboev, A. Kh. Khudoyberdiyev and I. A. Karimjanov., Description of some classes of Leibniz algebras, Linear Algebra and its Applications, V 437, Issue 9, (2012) p.2209– 2227.ISI/Scopus,
Articles published in International Journals -
Rikhsiboev I. M. Classification of 7-dimensional complex filiform Leibniz algebras. Uzbek Mathematical journal, 2004, № 3, P.27-36.
Articles published in Local Journals -
Rikhsiboev I. M. Classification of low dimensional complex nilpotent diassociative algebras. Uzbek Mathematical journal, 2007, № 2, P.112-118
Articles published in Local Journals -
Rikhsiboev I. M. On nilpotency of complex Leibniz algebras. Uzbek Mathematical journal, 2005, № 3, P.58-62.
Articles published in Local Journals -
Rakhimov I. S., Rikhsiboev I. M. A simple classification of three dimensional complex associative algebras. Math Digest. Research Bulletin of INSPEM (Institute for Mathematical Research, UPM), December, 2009.
Articles published in International Journals -
Rikhsiboev I. M., Rakhimov I.S., Basri W. The description of Dendriform algebra structures on two-dimensional complex space. Journal of Algebra, Number Theory: Advances and Applications., 4 (1), (2010), 1 - 18.
Articles published in International Journals -
Rikhsiboev I. M, On classification of left-symmetric dialgebras, Contemporary Mathematics: proceeding of American Mathematical Society, Volume 672, pp. 245-255, August 2016.
Articles published in International Journals -
I. M. Rikhsiboev, A.Kh.Khudoyberdiyev, T.K. Kurbanbaev, K.K. Masutova., On the solutions of the equation X3 + AX = B in Z3* with coefficients from Q3. Applied Mathematics, Vol. 5 No. 1, pp. 35-46, 2014, DOI: 10.4236/am.2014.51005.
Articles published in International Journals -
Rikhsiboev I. M. and Mukhammadzhonova L.A. Research Ethics in Uzbekistan. Science and innovative development. №5, 2020, pp 40-46.
Articles published in Local Journals
Projects & Grant proposals
Supported Projects
2016 - 2018 Fundamental Research Grant Scheme, Malaysia - A fundamental study of solvable and simple Leibniz algebras and their derivations
Leader of Project, Project was sponsored by Ministry of Higher Education of Malaysia. FRGS/1/2016/STG06/UNIKL/01/1
2015 - 2017 A fundamental study of structural theory of left symmetric dialgebras and diassociative algebras
Leader of Project Research funded by Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, UniKL/IPRS/ str15096
2011 - 2013 “Structural Properties of Some Classes of Dialgebras Over Complex Numbers
Co-researcher, FRGS grant: 01-12-10-988FR, UPM, Malaysia Project funded by Ministry of Higher Education of Malaysia.
2012 - 2014 Classification problems of Loday algebras over complex field and their applications
Leader of project, UniKL/IPRS/ str11061, Research funded by Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia,
2007 - 2009 Investigation about linier stochastic operators, super algebras, theory of Banach modules and weakly additive functions
Co-Researcher, National University of Uzbekistan
2005 - 2007 Derivation and Leibniz structure in operator algebras
Institute of Mathematics named after I.V. Romanovski, Uzbek Academy of Science, Uzbekistan
2004 - 2006 Ergodical theorems for square stochastic operators and their application in theory diassociative algebras and mathematical genetics
National University of Uzbekistan
Grant proposals
Scientific Activities
Activities in Scientific Journals
Scientific Consultation
Achievements & Reputation
Invited Congress & Symposium Activities
2016 Day of Algebra 7, University Putra Malaysia, January 2016
2015 INSPEM research Seminar, University Putra Malaysia, February 2015
2014 USA-Uzbekistan Conference on Analysis and Mathematical physics. Organized by California State University Fullerton, 20-23 May, 2014.
2011 Day of Algebra 3, University Putra Malaysia, April 2011
2011 On recent achievements in harmonic analysis, algebras and their applications II”, Faculty of Science, IIUM, Kuantan Campus, 2011
2010 NSPEM research Seminar, University Putra Malaysia, January 2010
2009 Day of Algebra 2, University Putra Malaysia, January 2009
2016 IRCIE 2016, 18-20 October 2016, Persada Johor, Johor Bahru, Malaysia.
2015 MRCIE 2015, 2-3 December 2015, Johor Bahru, Malaysia
2014 MITEC Research Colloquium 2014, 12 November 2014, Johor Bahru, Malaysia.
2014 EURAXESS - Linking Researchers Worldwide, 11 November, 2014, Singapore
2014 UniKL Education Conference, 25-26 August 2014, Putrajaya, Malaysia
2014 International Conference on Quantitative Sciences and its Applications, ICOQSIA 2014, 12-14 August 2014, Langkawi, Malaysia.
2014 USA-Uzbekistan Conference on Natural Science and Mathematics. California State University Fullerton, 20-23 May, 2014
2014 ICMS 3, 17-19 December 2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2014
2013 iCOS2013, 3 - 5 Dec 2013, Pahang, Malaysia.
2013 SKSM21, 6-8 November, 2013, Penang Malaysia.
2012 MITEC Research seminar and poster presentation 2012, UniKL MITEC, 27 April, 2012.
2009 Symposium SKSM, Melaka, 15-17 December, 2009.
2009 International Advanced of Technology Congress (ATCi), PWTC, Malaysia. 3-5 Nov., 2009.
2009 The 4 International Conference on Research and Education in Mathematics, ICREM 4, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 21-23 October, 2009.
2009 Fundamental science congress 2009, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM, Malaysia
2009 Research and Innovation UPM 2009 (Exhibition), 28-30 July 2009.
2008 Scientific works of participants at Republican Scientific Conference “Contemporary problems of mathematics, mechanics and IT” Tashkent, 2008
2007 The Third International Conference on Research and Education in Mathematics (ICREM 3), Malaysia, 2007
2004 Republican Scientific Conference, Institute of Mathematics, Academy of Sci. Rep. Uzb., Tashkent, 2004
2016 Member of American Mathematical Society
ID: 2990368608 RKIKMA,
2015 Member of PERSAMA (Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society)),
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