General Information
- Department
- Finance Department
- Position
- Senior Lecturer
- Office Phone Number
- +998 (71) 238-74-58
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- Research Gate
Education Information
Education Information
2007 - 2011 BSc in Economics, WIUT
Determinants of savings in ASEAN countries.
2014 - 2016 MA International Business Management
Corporate governance and firm performance: A meta-analysis In this paper, we used previous literature on corporate governance and firm performance to conduct a meta-analysis, so we can find a combined mean effect size of all papers. We analyzed 40 fine sorted studies and were able to find statistically significant results for all variables using the fixed effects model and only one significant result using the random effects model. The results based on 22 observations showed that the board size is negatively related to firm performance, but the effect size of the mean value was considerably weak. Keywords: Meta-analysis, board of directors, board size, board independence, CEO duality, ownership concentration, firm performance, corporate governance
2017 - 2023 PhD in Economics
PhD in Economics (Corporate Governance) PhD dissertation topic: Improving the mechanism of providing corporate governance transparency in Joint-stock companies. (Based on ESG data from emerging markets)
Research Areas
Corporate Governance, Disclosure and Transparency, Financial Management, Corporate Finance, Financial literacy, Capital Markets, Personal Finance
Professional Experience
2011 - 2012 Research analyst in "Ansher Capital"
• analysing the Metals & Mining Sector along the CIS countries and Western China • preparing investment teasers, writing information memorandums • constantly looking for investors and new projects • conducting on site due diligence in companies, factories
2012 - 2016 Research Development and Innovation Officer
• Undertaking the responsibility of maintaining and developing of professional activities within the Research Development and Innovation Centre • Providing necessary assistance in development of the research based cooperation of the University with business enterprises and society • Organizing conferences, research seminars, • Publishing R&D Newsletter (once a semester)
2012 - 2016 Associate Lecturer
Quantitative methods Foundation of Economics Information Communication Technologies
2016 - 2021 Lecturer
Module leadership: Quantitative Methods, Financial Management, Corporate Governance for Finance.
2023 - Senior Lecturer
Senior Lecturer in Finance Department
Publications & Works
Makhkamov T., “Methodological approaches to statistical research in the sector of information and communication technologies in Uzbekistan”, 16th International science Conference proceedings: Problems of forecasting and state regulation of social and economic development, October 2015, Minsk, Belarus.
A. Kadyrov., T.Makhkamov., “Improvement of the methodology and tools of statistical monitoring of the use of information and communication technologies”, Conference proceedings. Topical issues in oil and gas industry of Uzbekistan. October 2015, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
Makhkamov T., “Corporate Governance effect on firm value during crisis: Review of literature” Conference proceedings. WIUT-CBU joint conference on Inclusive and sustainable growth: current issues. June 2016, Tashkent, Uzbekistan. • Makhkamov T., “Corporate governance and firm value: Meta-analysis” Jamiyat va Boshqaruv, 2016yil, 4-soni.
Makhkamov T., “Corporate governance theories applied to supervisory boards of commercial joint-stock banks in Uzbekistan”, “Иқтисодиёт ва инновацион технологиялар”, 5- сон (2017)
Makhkamov T., “Optimal board composition and supervisory boards of commercial joint-stock banks in Uzbekistan”, International scientific-practical conference proceeding, Center for corporate governance, Tashkent, January 2017
Makhkamov T., “O`zbekiston tojiroat banklarida korporative boshqaruvning tanqidiy tahlili va rivojlantirishning dolzarb masalalari”., Respublika ilmiy-amaliy anjumani ilmiy maqola va tezislar to`plami, Toshkent, May 2017
Makhkamov T., “Importance of ensuring transparency of corporate governance in the context of digital economy”., 2nd International Scientific-Practical Conference on Corporate Governance: Major Trends and Perspectives in the context of Digital Economy, Tashkent, May 2018
Бабаходжаева Л., Махкамов Т., «Ўзбекистон ахборот коммуникация технологиялари сохасида статистик тадқиқотлар методологиясини ишлаб чиқиш» Чўлпон нашриёти 2018.
Махкамов Т., “Корпоративное Управление и эффективность деятельности предприятий”., Science and World international scientific journal, №6 (58), 2018, Vol. II. Global Impact Factor – 0.325
Makhkamov T., “Information disclosure requirements in corporate governance”., Science and World international scientific journal, №6 (58), 2018, Vol. II. Global Impact Factor – 0.325
Abduraupov R., Makhkamov T., “Disclosure requirements gap analysis in corporate governance”, International Conference in Tashkent State University, May 2018.
Makhkamov T., The role of Corporate Governance transparency in poverty alleviation, Economy: Analysis and Forecasts, 2020, 7-8(11)
Articles published in International Journals -
Abduraupov R., Makhkamov T., Corporate Governance Scorecard for Uzbek Joint-stock companies based on OECD principles, "Iqtisodiyot va Innovatsion texnologiyalar" ilmiy elektron jurnali. №5 2021.
Articles published in International Journals
Projects & Grant proposals
Supported Projects
Grant proposals
2015 - 2017 Ўзбекистон ахборот коммуникация технологиялари сохасида статистик тадқиқотлар методологиясини ишлаб чиқиш
Бабаходжаева Л., Махкамов Т., «Ўзбекистон ахборот коммуникация технологиялари сохасида статистик тадқиқотлар методологиясини ишлаб чиқиш» Чўлпон нашриёти 2018.
Scientific Activities
Activities in Scientific Journals
Scientific Consultation
Achievements & Reputation
Invited Congress & Symposium Activities
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